Wednesday, October 07, 2009

Amsterdam,the living museum

There are so many cities in the Netherlands, but perhaps the most amazing is Amsterdam. As far as the eye could see, the city's old buildings scattered or other monuments preserved nicely despite its function may vary. At least there are 8000 monuments preserved by the government of Amsterdam. No wonder the city with thousands of these monument dubbed "The Living Museum"

Amsterdam government has special policies that protect all the smells of monuments, not just an old building but including the Amsterdam area, the scenery, canals, and the structure of the city itself.

All buildings can serve anything to be treated in accordance with regulations made, either by local or central government. So do not be surprised if you see the old buildings there that serves not only as a museum but also as a hotel, shops, apartments, schools, offices, restaurants, or places of entertainment such as bars, cafes, and even where prostistusi.

There are about 20,000 buildings in over 800 hectares of land which contributed to the history of this downtown. One third of the building consists among others of the warehouse buildings, churches, palaces built before the year 1850. A total of 6700 buildings within the category of national monuments, the historic buildings are now preserved by the central government. There's 290 buildings and other monuments are maintained by the government's 1160 Amsterdam while other buildings went up in that category.

Which must be proud that Amsterdam became one of the cities that have significant historic buildings that have not even touched the hands of ignorant or even torn down. Preservation of old buildings and the environment could produces thousands of travelers who come to town for a tour of history.

Since the government give so much attention to its monument, on the legacy of the past, members of the board of Amsterdam until the exchange of make an ideas to change a stone from Dam Square (de Dam) to eight cities in the world. They also have a special council members who take care of the problem of monuments and public spaces, namely Guido Frankfurther.

This project with lead by Frankfurther Guido could gather nine people in the field Wittenburger (Wittenburgerplein), Amsterdam. They inaugurated the movement of stone projects from eight cities in the world, named Moving the World.

The ideas to unite the blocks of stone roads in the page field from eight cities in the world comes from two arts workers, Fenna Swart (Netherlands) and Joseph Scorselo (United States). Stone to be moved is the stone used to decorate the field in the cities of the world. Eight selected cities are cities that have historical connections with Amsterdam,such the Casablanca, Ankara, Athens, Cairo, Oslo, Copenhagen, Antwerp, and Jakarta.

Finally, shipping and delivery of the stone blocks used so the project was actually sanctioned art Amsterdam council members, especially those dealing with public spaces and monuments. Eight directions chosen as a symbol of multicultural Amsterdam. It also describes the relationship that has particular Amsterdam and the Netherlands are generally in the city selected countries.


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