Wednesday, October 07, 2009

The assimilation of culture at Sarajevo

Bosnia and Herzegovina. Despite the name reminds us of the wars and massacres, but many pepople eventually fall in love and decided to come back to this country. There is no place in this world that can compare with the natural beauty of Bosnia and Herzegovina. The country is blessed with mountains towering rock but had not yet touched by modernization.
The road winding up and down the hills with the plantation mansions on either side, rushing rivers have current clear, it offers a challenge for those who like sports whitewater rafting, mountain climbing and paragliding.

Sarajevo, the capital of Bosnia and Herzegovina, a gem that was discovered missing. Located in a valley surrounded by hills and rows of Dinaric Alps, making this city would be "easy target" for luxurious tourists , a real estate entrepreneur, first-class tour operator and the owner of the famous hotel chain in the world. It wasestimated that the face of this city will be change drastically. Touch of modernization and commercialization of air will make this city lost its natural charm.

Sarajevo had ruled by the Ottoman Turkish Empire. Sarajevo was founded in the 15th century. This conditions brought Islam to influence this city which had 400 thousand inhabitants. When this area is in the Hungarian Empire in the 18th century until the 19th, the influence of the Austro-Hungarian Catholic backgrounds enrich the culture. And after that, the influence of the socialist regime in power for 50 years, making this city more and more patterned.

The European Jerusalem

Sarajevo has also been known as the Jerusalem of Europe because of his Jewish nuances that had dominated most of the building styles in this place. Sarajevo is also the city where many buildings of religious symbols from the Catholic church, mosque, synagogue and the Orthodox churches stand close together. It was a rare sight that may not be found in other European countries

When walking in the city center in the area Ferhadija, you can pass Serbian Orthodox church. Majestik-style cathedrals, as well as mosque Begova typical Turkish style, just in time not more than 5 minutes. This fact indicates the rich of tolerance between those religion in this city.

Even more impressive, as occurred during the ethnic war that took so many lives, the buildings had suffered no damage and still stand strong to this day. Apparently, all parties now seemed to "agree" to each other not to the destruction of sacred buildings are. One thing really worth thumbs up, even in the middle of a situation that even profanity.

Center located downtown in the Ferhadija, starting from the monument called Eternal Flame, a deliberately lit torches to mark the ongoing Yugoslav victory in 1945 that drove Hitler's Germany. From there, you can see the diversity of building styles communist influence of simple style, combined with the building of the Austro-Hungarian style of classic and ornamental impressive.

Hanging in Slatko Cose

If one step further, you will arrive at Slatko Cose. This is where the line of distinctive confectionery shop mostly Bosnian taste sweet legit, as well as cafes and pubs that serves coffee and snacks typically Turkish. The road made of gravel and rock composition of the building style more influenced by classical Turkish architecture which Islamic nuanced, combined with the influence of ancient Rome, presents a different amosfir.

In the area also known as the Turkish Quarter is located Begova Grand Mosque which has a beautiful garden with shady trees, mostly old has reached hundreds of years is one landmark that must be included in the agenda of your visit.

Another thing not to be missed is the taste of local foods and cevapi called burek. Cevapi is made from beef kebabs that have been smoked and a long cut, served with grilled bread round that has mixed with various spices. While burek is made from croissant pastry like that in the middle filled with roast beef and tomatoes diced. Meanwhile, on the outside covered with melted cheese that smelled peculiar. Both these foods can be obtained at a price no more than 50 cents U.S. dollars. Bargain, right?

Though not yet grouped into metropolitan city, city Miljacka the confluence of the River has many cafes and pubs scattered throughout the city. One of the topnotch hangout is Princeva Park, a cafe and restaurant located in the hills just outside the city to the south. This place offers views of the city from a height that really looks breathtaking. Especially at dusk before! At night, this place presents musical entertainment and traditional dances are influenced by a combination of many cultures Turkey and the Balkans.

Rich'll Festival

Which is also worth a note is held Bascarcija a.k.a Noce Bascarcija Nights, a festival of music and dance summer held in the old city center. This festival has presented music groups and artists of the top world-class like Vienna Philharmonic, Luciano Paffarotti, Celine Dion, Bon Jovi, II Divo and Andrea Bocelli. While in winter, the organization and the Sarajevo Jazz Festival Sarajevo Winter Festival could become a magnet for foreign travelers to visit the exotic city that is known to have winter this extreme enough.

For that, do not wait too long. Field trip to Sarajevo soon, before it was already becoming too expensive because of the development and commercialization of large-scale ongoing in this city.


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