Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Another volcanoes review


After a political conflict with the Sandinista regime that lasted for years, this country began to develop and everywhere,and shows the development of physical infrastructure that was so intensified. Interestingly, houses inhabitants, both windows and doors, all barred, this shows that the city is relatively safe yet.

Being in Nicaragua its like being in the time machine back and stopped in the past. So many unique and exotic places in this Central American country. Old buildings with a touch of Spain, colorful crafts, food, physical form of the typical Indian community (called Ameridian: American-Indian) and temples,it was so amazing.

It is said that, according to Omar, our guide for the Nicaragua-the cars in this country (including those sold in the showroom) is a recycled car from America. The public transportation like school bus, also donated by Americans.

We stayed at the Intercontinental hotel, the only large hotel in Managua, there in front of the most modern shopping mall, Mall Metrocentro similar to Bintaro Plaza in Jakarta.

La Colonia and La Union are the two major supermarkets in the city. We spend a time to stop at the traditional markets, Mercado Central (Central Market) called Mercado Roberto Huembes, here sell various items of daily needs, vegetables, fruits, flowers and handicrafts-jewelry that is typical of black coral.

As we enter a little surprised, not like the looks from the outside, this market is relatively clean with kiosks neat rows. To shopping here we also have a good bargain. I bought a black necklace corall for souvenirs at a price of U.S. $ 13. If we do not carry the local currency (Cordoba, 1 U.S. $ = 16 Cordoba) they had received when we are paying with U.S. dollars.

One interesting experience when I was escorted Halet, Omar's wife, exchange money in exchange of money. We like stepping into a prison! The room is surrounded by bars and guarded by two soldiers armed with long barrels! I was also horrified .....

Satisfied exploring the traditional market, we headed to the Plaza de la Revolucao,
historic place where all political activities previously carried out in this place. In this complex there Catedral de Santiago, which was destroyed by an earthquake in 1972 and the Palacio Nacional de la Cultura (National Museum) and Ruben Dario National Library. Across the museum stands the palace of President Enrique BolaƱos had just built.

Omar explained, unfortunately we visited Nicaragua season not quite right, because there are no festivals in September, but fortunate because in the May - November (rainy season) a lot of hotels that provide cheap tariff. According to him, the most appropriate time when we visit to Nicaragua is between the months of December to April during the summer. There are 2 major festivals celebrated, the `Festival de Musica y Juventud` (The Music and Youth Festival) in February and Agostinas `` Fiestas in August. While the Holly Week in late March to early April is a feast of food and crafts for the people of Managua.

Satisfied to walk through the city and Managua,it is not wise if we couldnt taste typical foods. Nicaragua Foods rich in taste and suitable for the tongue . They eat lots of bananas, cassava, cheese and beans.

Banana chips are fried , savory and crunchy. Fried cassava was so crunchy, so good. `` Gallo pinto,

a mixture of red beans, rice and cheese served on a small stove made of clay. We had a chance to taste over lunch at a restaurant Dona Haydee. When visiting there do not forget to order oxtail soup in the mix of tubers. A tasty soup - a clear, battered pieces of tender beef slices mixed with the sweetness of pumpkin and cassava .... hm ... very tasty ..!.

Tuesday evening we are planning dinner at Tip-top, restaurant chicken (Pollo, read; po-yo) Nicaragua typical fried. It turned out after we feel it, taste and shape of fried chicken fast-food America, KFC!.


Is only + / - 16 miles from Managua, the city is famous for its handicrafts. In the Mercado de Artesanias (art market) is called San Juan de Oriente sold all the things of Nicaragua as a typical craft, woodcraft, pottery, leather, paintings and embroidery. I am wanting to buy a swing of the yarn colors, but i was thought bring it later on the plane would have trouble, my choice finally fell on an apron (I've noticed almost all traders in the market wearing this apron) is embroidered with colorful threads with the motif typical Indian.

From Masaya we continued the trip to Granada, which is the oldest colonial city in Nicaragua, which was built in 1524. Lane located near the lake Nicaragua and Mombacho volcano. The three largest cities in this country, Managua, Masaya and Granada was built on `` shadow of the volcano (a volcano 9) which until now still active.

Granada is very romantic, with buildings full of classic colors. Center activities in the Parque Central / Parque Colon, in the vicinity have Parroqui Inmaculada Concepcion de Marcia Catedral de Granada and the magnificent Casa de los Tres Mundos, Granada Center-cultural.

With the overcast sky, with carriage rides - like a horse cart in Yogya, we were driving around town along the main street of La Calzada and Xalteva admiring the architecture of the houses of neo-classical style and terracotta colored baroq.

If observed almost all the houses here have a rocking chair, they are unique not only have a four and even placed a rocking chair on the porch or living room!

They seem very like to find and chatting wind in the terrace of the home while sitting in a rocking chair. Unfortunately, I forgot to ask more about their lifestyle was to Omar, our guide.

While we were preoccupied with buggy, suddenly comes very heavy rain, forcing us to take shelter with a stop for dinner at La Gran Francia Restaurant, French restaurant with a touch of Nicaragua, one of the Spanish colonial heritage buildings (built in 1524) that has been reconstructed.


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