Tuesday, October 06, 2009

Great Wall

Wall of China or the Chinese Great Wall is one of a huge building that once made by humankind. Its age was more than two thousand years. This wall had along 7300 mile cross from west to east, starting from Shanhaiguan Pass near the Bo Hai in the Gulf of Bo Hai until now Jisayuguan Pass is located in Gansu province.
This uninterupted walls-looked like a sleeping dragon- is through the region of Liaoning, Hebei, Tianjin, Beijing, Shanxi, Inner Mongolia, Shaanxi, Ningxia, and Gansu.
One of special think that, until present day, no one knows exactly when the wall was first built. It is estimated that supposedly built walls to defend themselves from enemy attack.It was built by the Zhou Dynasty in the late Spring and Autumn Period (770 BC - 476 BC). While the final stage of development carried out in the wall of the Ming Dynasty (1368 to 1644).

During this period, the process of building a wall along approximately 5,000 miles done with a sophisticated design and use materials of brick and granite. To strengthen the military control of the north, authorities divided Sun Wall into nine zones and placed under the responsibility of Zhen (head of the garrison). Of course, the visitors could not be cruise all along the entire wall because it open only about 10 miles for the public. This wall can be achieved in about 4.5 hours.

To enjoy the mainland of China from the Wall, the traveler must fairly steep climb that has some sort of fence in the middle. There was a door wide enough for only one person to enter. On the other side of the fence, thera are lined up group of people who sell souvenirs or mineral water. From here they follow the journey of the tourists. They hope someone to buy some drinks or souvenirs.

Fatigue was once attacked directly on the wall. But, the view that makes a lot of people accidentally said the word "Wow!", Turned out to be a panacea. Decrepit body gradually revived. Natural view unfolding before my eyes really stunning. I was amazed with this world great wonder . While enjoying the wind blowing that splashing my body so hard enough, my brain kept spinning: how the process of building this wall going from tower to tower?

After visiting the Great Wall of China, you need continuing your trip to the Summer Palace It is located approximately 15 kilometers from Beijing. Palace which is situated around Kunming Lake was once used as hunting land of kings. Interestingly, the place which is the second largest garden in mainland China and the palace called the Golden Hill, was built about 800 years ago.

Palace area which had twice destroyed, but later renovated by the Empress Cixi was divided into three parts. That office, residential, and land scenery. Important part in the office area is the virtue and the immortality of the hall, where the Empress Cixi deal with affairs of state and received officials. Temporary residence of the great hall, Park Hall of immortality and Eternal Happiness. While the natural look is the Kunming Lake and Mount Eternity.

One of the must-visit part of this palace is the Ocean of Wisdom Buddhist Temple. Here, travelers can enjoy the beautiful scenery of the lake and the surrounding region. But, if you visit this place do not forget to take in the beauty of the long corridor. It is very beautiful. Corridor along the 700 meters and painted it, it's not in the building, but near the water and without walls. The wood was covered with different motives.

Overall, the Summer Palace is no different from the results of the renovation in 1903. There are two gates, namely the East Palace Gate and West Gate of the Palace. The palace later turned into a park after the coronation of the last emperor of the Qing Dynasty, Pu Yi, the year 1924. Beautiful garden and open to the public, but due to high entry costs do not all people can enjoy its beauty. Currently anyone can enjoy the beauty of the park just by buying a ticket for 35 Yuan. No wonder the palace garden old age is a favorite place of citizens who wish to go to Beijing in the summer resort.


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